2005 Ed.
Getting Past Summary Judgment in Predatory Pricing Cases After American Airlines: Will Post-Chicago Analysis Ever Prevail?
David M. Magness
Practice Note: Avoiding A Tax-Free Transaction: When Taxable is Tax-EfficientTimothy J. Devetski
International Hybrid Instruments: Jurisdiction Dependent CharacterizationAndriy Krahmal
Outsourcing Federal Tax CollectionMark T. Resnick
Deference Under the Clear Reflection of Income Requirement: Sui GenerisW. Eugene Seago and Edward J. Schnee
International Taxation: Application of Source Rules to Income from Intangible PropertyErin L. Guruli
“Perp” Walk or Cake Walk? A Study of the S.E.C.’s Enforcement of the Securities Laws Through Agreed SettlementsRaymond L. Britton and N. Kimberly Bohannon
The Dormant Commerce Clause Rises Again: Cuno v. Daimler ChryslerBrent B. Nicholson and Sue Mota
Can We Provide a Level Playing Field for U.S. Corporations and Increase U.S. Jobs While Repealing the Extraterritorial Income Act?Kristin Byrd
The Hatch-Waxman System: Suffering a Plague or Bad BehaviorTeresa J. Lechner-Fish
Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment in Direct Taxation: Does EC Law Provide for Community MFN in Bilateral Double Taxation Treaties?Georg W. Kofler
What’s the Use? Establishing Mark Rights in the Modern EconomyJeffery R. Peterson
Phony Philanthropy: The Attack and Defense of Nonprofit Organizations from Fraud and AbuseDoug Repasi