2011 Ed.
Measuring Business Damages in Fraudulent Inducement CasesGeorge P. Roach
Designing Privilege for the Tax Profession: Comparing I.R.C. § 7525 with new Zealand’s Non-Disclosure RightKeith Kendall
What Would Henry Simons Do?: Using an Ideal to Shape and Explain the Economic Substance DoctrineCharlene Luke
The RIAA’s Case Against Ripping CDs: When Enough is EnoughKenneth Long
SEC Receivers and the Presumption of Innocence: The Problem with Parallel Proceedings in Securities Cases and the Ver Increasing Powers of the ReceiversMegan Smith
Proveris Scientific v. Innovasystems: Broadening the Scope of the Healthcare Crisis by Narrowing the Scope of the Generic Drug Manufacturer’s Patent Infringement Protection Under 35 U.S.C. § 271(E)(1)Christopher Scurry
The One Fund Solution: “It’s My Money and I Need It Now!”Gordon T. Butler
Burning Down the House and the Charitable DeductionRodney P. Mock
The Chrysler Bankruptcy and the Future of 363(b) TransactionsMorris A. Karam
Fiduciary Liability Issues in ERISA Pension Plan TerminationsClare Staub
The PTC and Wind Energy: Restructuring the Production Tax Credit as a More Effective IncentiveMitchell Ward