2015 Ed.
The Origin of the Claim Doctrine and Litigation Expenses with a Connection to Property Transactions – Woodward and Hilton Hotels Post Ash Grove CementPhilip G. Cohen
Golden Apple of Discord: International Cost-Sharing ArrangementsDebra Brubaker Burns
The Cultural and Psychological Characteristics of Chinese Consumers and Their Influence on the Trademark Law in ChinaYan Xu
Law and Business: Good News for Retiree Benefit Plans and Yard-ManMoises Morales, III
Selected Topics Regarding the Taxation of Oil and Gas Farmout TransactionsJohn T. Bradford
Shareholder Oppression and the New Louisiana Business Corporation ActDouglas K. Moll
Efficacy of Carbon Taxes and Recommendations for Cutting Carbon EmissionsJeremy Freeman
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: The Cost to Multinational Corporations of Implementing FATCACallyn H. Terveer
Borrower Beware: Ramifications of the Court’s Recharacterization of a Loan TransactionL.K. Napoli